Monday, April 11, 2016

5 Ways to Use Fashion as Décor

Your favorite fashion items don’t have to be relegated to the confines of your closet; they can also serve as home decorations if displayed in the right way. Not only does it bring your own personal flair to your space, but it helps achieve that “lived in” look. Even better, this trick saves you money from buying new décor — and it’s a great way to show off bulky accessories taking up too much room in your closet! All you need to do is rethink the way you’re currently organizing or displaying your accessories. Take a look at these five tips to incorporate fashion items into your home décor.

1. Create an Accessory Wall
Accessories make for interesting wall art. Nail hooks to your walls and hang your hats or handbags from them. This is your chance to show off those pieces you don’t wear as often. Think of it as a twist on the gallery wall.

Urban Outfitters

2. Display Shoes on Shelves
Who needs books when you have shoes? Use a bookshelf (I recommend Ikea’s Expedit Unit) to turn those killer pumps into display pieces. You can have a dedicated bookcase just for the shoes, or mix them in with other items, whether they’re more accessories (handbags, anyone?) or books and vases. Plus, you’ll feel less guilty if you splurged on some of your shoes; not only did you buy something functional for your feet, you also bought an art piece — what an investment!
3. Frame Your Scarves
There’s no need to splurge on a pricey piece of art. Whether it’s a sentimental scarf passed down from your grandmother, a gorgeous piece of material you found rummaging through a flea market bin or your favorite piece that’s seen better times, scarves look great anywhere in the home, from over the couch to over the mantle. Frame them or use two hooks to display them. Who knew it was so easy to become Picasso?
4. Utilize Dress Forms
Find a dress form at a sewing supplier or antique store to highlight your favorite dresses and outfits. You can pick an outfit that goes with the color scheme of your space or pops against it, or one that mimics your décor style. For example, a mod dress with a swing silhouette would go great in a minimalist interior. The best part about a dress form is that you can easily swap out the pieces when you’re in the mood for something new, always keeping a fresh look to your place.

Decor Me Happy

5. Hang Your Jewelry
Make your walls sparkle and shine by hanging jewelry in a picture frame with the glass removed. Cut corkboard to the frame’s dimensions and spray paint it or cover it in fabric to add some pizzazz. Hang your bracelets and necklaces from it using pretty thumbtacks. It not only keeps your jewelry organized and untangled, but decorates your walls.

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