Monday, April 25, 2016

Put Your Unused Fireplace to Good Use

Summer is soon approaching, which means that most people will not be utilizing their fireplaces for a while. In fact, many homes feature fireplaces that, unfortunately, are no longer functional at all. Even though you can't warm your hands by the fire or roast marshmallows, this unused space can be utilized in many different ways to make it a bold focal point of the room. And let's face it, every extra inch of space in our homes matter so make them count!

1. For the Bookworm
Use this small (but valuable) space to store stacks of your favorite books and suddenly you've created your very own reading nook!

Palm Beach Post

2. For the Green Thumb 
Filling your fireplace with greenery will add warmth and texture to the room. Mix lots of little plants or fill the whole space with one big, leafy one.


3. For the Romantic
Even if your fireplace isn't a functioning one, you can still enjoy the cozy ambiance of firelight with candles. Add a mirror behind them to radiate even more light!


4. For the Dog Lover 
This unused alcove is the perfect place for a furry friend to curl up and snooze.


5. For the Collector
The fireplace can also be a great place to display art, knickknacks, and various personal memorabilia.


6. For the Sommelier
Where better to store some of your favorite bottles of vino?

Apartment Therapy

An unused fireplace can act as a perfect frame to display things that showcase your personal style. No matter what you choose to fill your fireplace with, adding your own personal touches to this space is sure to add character to your home.

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